Reflections on living fit

As a growing, reflective health professional who has committed my life to the love of fitness, it is my hope that you can read and share my triumphs and struggles, as I aim to better my own body and change my small part of the world. Catch the energy; move more today than you did yesterday; inspire someone...just BeFit with me.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

100 Push-up Challenge this week!!

(Thanks to my husband for his mad photoshop skills.)

Eight weeks ago, we kicked off the "100 Push-ups Challenge" class at work. Last Friday marked the end of the training program. We did 8 sets of push-ups that day, according to the training program by Steve Speirs: 20-20-22-22-18-18-18-60. Yep. We ended with SIXTY push-ups. After having already done 138. Surprisingly, we all made it through. I have to admit that on those last mega sets, I purposely start out going a little less far down to the floor--it's like with a long training run where you take off slower than normal in order to make it to the end. Trust me though, my muscles will still tell you that it felt like they were going all the way to the floor.

So, this Wednesday is where we all get together one last time to do the actual challenge. The last time we did one set of as many consecutive push-ups as we could was at the very beginning of the 8-week program. There's been no real test since then as to how far we can go for just one set of push-ups. We shall find out on Wednesday!

I said from the beginning that just by looking at the last week's training schedule, if you can make it through that, than surely you could do just one set of 100 push-ups. But I don't know if I feel any more prepared now. At the end of the day, it's all about improving the number that YOU started with. To go from 25 to 50 push-ups would be incredible for someone, so I'm super excited to see the difference between everyone's initial test and their push-ups on Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Hope it goes great Wednesday. I'm working on a 100 push-up challenge too but not all at once!

    I started with 10 and am adding 10 more every month till I hit 100- which should be in April. So far at least one of my coworkers has started doing push ups daily. It is contagious (in a good way)!
