Reflections on living fit

As a growing, reflective health professional who has committed my life to the love of fitness, it is my hope that you can read and share my triumphs and struggles, as I aim to better my own body and change my small part of the world. Catch the energy; move more today than you did yesterday; inspire someone...just BeFit with me.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Relay for Life

Let me just say, I HATE fundraisers. HATE them. Not that I don't think there are many worthy causes out there that would make great use of my money or time--I just hate asking for donations. Most of my friends are in their 20's, newer in their careers and, like me, saving up for major life events like houses, weddings, etc., so needless to say, not a lot of extra money flowing. The other problem with picking a fundraiser in my job field is that there are so many out there--I come across all sorts of charity walks, races, etc. every month, and the fact is, I can't participate in all of them. I've been fortunate enough that I haven't had any family members or friends that have been stricken with any major cancer or disease, so I can't choose any one organization or fundraiser event that is personal to me.

With that said, I signed up today for the Dow AgroSciences' Relay for Life team. The thing I like about the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life is that it is a broad fundraiser, going towards all types of cancer. We hear a lot about breast cancer, especially, and while it is more common than some other cancers, it's not any less expensive or emotionally tolling than the more obscure forms of the disease. Along with fundraising, one representative from each Relay team has to be walking at all times for a 24-hour time period. Typically enough people will be on a team so that each person only has to walk for about an hour time slot...but yes, even the overnight shifts have to be covered! The DAS Relay event this year takes place on May 14, starting at 10am, through May 15 at 10am. I set my fundraising goal fairly low and (hopefully) attainable at $100, to get my feet wet and just see what happens from there.

Here comes my great fundraising idea. (Drum roll please!) For about a year now, I've been wanting to host a wine tasting for my family/friends. I've envisioning several different "stations" set up around our apartment with a wine to taste as well as some food pairings. My dad's girlfriend happens to be both a wine-o and a foodie, so coming up with the combinations shouldn't be a problem :) Everyone can rank their favorites, and my hope is that we'll all be introduced to some good, affordable wines we hadn't come across before. So, Saturday April 30, we'll be hosting the wine tasting, with a $5 entry fee that goes straight to Relay for Life. I'll keep you posted on how my first "charity event" goes!!

I guess I should throw in here somewhere, if you do want to make any donations to the team in my name, you can give it to me in person or drop it in the mail. No donation is too small!

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