Reflections on living fit

As a growing, reflective health professional who has committed my life to the love of fitness, it is my hope that you can read and share my triumphs and struggles, as I aim to better my own body and change my small part of the world. Catch the energy; move more today than you did yesterday; inspire someone...just BeFit with me.

Friday, December 23, 2011

What you do with the other 23 1/2 hours out of your day is up to you...

Many of you may have seen this video already...if not, watch it now. It's worth the 9 minutes. (Copy and paste link into browser.)

Interesting way to look at it, huh? In case you haven't heard that exercise is THE single most important thing you can do for your health...well, it is. Not only to reduce your risk of practically every disease, but also to add years to your life. Do you want to die 5 years before you had to? It's been proven, as the doc in this video shows us. We've all heard that we should exercise for 30 minutes each day. Thirty minutes is a blink of an eye in the course of your whole day, and it doesn't have to be fancy...walking will suffice. I challenge you to find one person you know who couldn't do this...even prison inmates can meet the 30 minute requirement. case you STILL might think you don't have time for exercise, read below...

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