Reflections on living fit

As a growing, reflective health professional who has committed my life to the love of fitness, it is my hope that you can read and share my triumphs and struggles, as I aim to better my own body and change my small part of the world. Catch the energy; move more today than you did yesterday; inspire someone...just BeFit with me.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Are you ready for the

The thought occurred to me today that my Florida vacation is only about 6 weeks away! (Not quite sure how I wasn't already counting down, considering that by April, I NEED a vacation.) A few years ago, now would be the time that I would start scrupulously watching my food intake, upping the intensity of my workouts, and having only one thing on my mind: BEACH BODY. But, isn't that the benefit of continuously being in good shape and maintaining a high level of fitness?

I hit on this in one of my blogs around vacation time last year, but it's a feeling so good that I can't describe to know that on the spur of the moment, I could be beach-ready. Sure, I may want to do some last-minute ab-toning and dessert-eliminating, but it's nice to know that at the drop of a hat, I can feel 90% confident on the beach. Does any female (over the age of 10) out there ever feel 100% confident in that setting?

Folks, it shouldn't be something that we work for only during the summer or before that long-awaited vacation. It should be year-round, even in the dead of winter fitness, aka a way of life. It IS possible.

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