Reflections on living fit

As a growing, reflective health professional who has committed my life to the love of fitness, it is my hope that you can read and share my triumphs and struggles, as I aim to better my own body and change my small part of the world. Catch the energy; move more today than you did yesterday; inspire someone...just BeFit with me.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Getting Some R&R

A couple weeks ago, we took a vacation to Florida and New Orleans which marked something pretty significant for me: it was the first time I had taken a week off from exercise in exactly 2 years. In May of 2010, I did not workout at all during our week-long Florida trip, but in 2011, due to marathon training, I still ran (although on a limited basis) during both my Myrtle Beach and Florida vacations.

This vacation was perfect timing. We left one week after my half-marathon, and if there's ever a time where I'm the least motivated to run, it's the month after a race--especially when it was one where I completed a big goal. The extent of my working out during the trip was carrying beach chairs and then walking from one restaurant/bar to the next in New Orleans.

The Monday back from vacation was a rude awakening. I tried to run, thinking I would do 3-5 miles. Not only could I not keep up my pre-vacation pace, but I felt miserable. I'm sure I was still dehydrated from an entire week of laying in the sun and a bad diet, but during the 3 mile run, I had to stop to walk twice, because I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. Not sure what else I was expecting though, after 9 days off!

I really think that a week off here and there is good for the body, especially for those, like me, who are used to a routine of working out at least once per day and who are cosntantly training for something. I always feel tightness in my hips and other leg muscles, and with my job, I'm sometimes overloading muscles due to teaching group fitness and not getting that ideal day off in between strength training sessions. After vacation though, I noticed that every last bit of that tightness was gone. Mentally, it's good for me too, to go a whole week without planning any workouts, not even my own.

Of course I've definitely amped up my workouts and food-tracking since I've been back to make up for the good time we had!

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